
There are many things that can be said about yesterday’s events in Boston. It is hard to imagine saying any of them better than Dave Munger’s “In praise of Boston”. Dave is an editor for Science Seeker and ran the Boston Marathon yesterday.

Marathon day in Boston is one of the warmest and most heartfelt holidays and events that I have ever been a part of. Someone tried to take that away from the people of Boston yesterday, but I don’t think they succeeded. They only gave Boston another chance to show how generous and brave its people are. While I am horrified by the events that occurred yesterday, I’m glad to have had the chance to see so many people at their best.

Boston’s people showed us their true colors yesterday. They gave the rest of us something to aspire to. – Dave Munger

He doesn’t dwell on the evil that was done. He doesn’t even spend a lot of time on the amazing quirk of human nature that makes people run toward a tragedy and danger to help. Dave movingly shows us that we shouldn’t be surprised, because yesterday’s Boston Marathon, both before and after the bombs, demonstrated that we are there for each other.

Tragic events highlight the light and the dark in the human soul, but they are always there. Thankfully, there is a lot more light.

Author: Josh Witten

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